Monday 6 October 2014

surrealism - elsa von freytag-loringhoven

the Baroness
worked on assemblage sculptures and paintings, creating art out of the rubbish and refuse she collected from the streets. The Baroness was also known to create elaborate costumes from found objects, turning herself into what could be considered a living piece of art.[5] An avid collaborator, the Baroness may have been involved in the conception of Marcel Duchamp's famous ready-madeFountain (1917). As Irene Gammel has documented, the choice of a urinal as art work is more in line with Freytag-Loringhoven's scatological aesthetics than with Duchamp's.[6] Moreover, Duchamp indicates in a letter to his sister written in 1917 that a female friend of his had sent him the urinal for submission at the Independents Exhibition.[7] Rediscovered by the Whitney Museum in New York City in 1996, her Portrait of Marcel Duchamp (no longer extant) is an example of her ready-made pieces. She also contributed to New York Dada by collaborating with Morton Schamberg on the 1917 assemblage sculpture God.
  “She wore the lid of a coal scuttle,” one person remembered, “strapped under her chin like a helmet.”  She walked the streets with a bird cage over her head (with a live canary inside), decorated her face with postage stamps, and tied tomato cans together for a bra.

i find this woman very interesting and reminds me of how lady gaga is today, i couldnt really find many images of what she wore  of people copying her.

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