Wednesday 5 November 2014

logo ideas

as i said before i wanted to just as numbers for the different strength of product to give simplicity to it, i waned to carry this on throughout the design work swell as when it comes to medical product and things to help you you don't want designs too complicated as this causes confusion and also makes you think the product might have something to hide.
sticking to this theory i chose simple fonts but mixed them up a little to give them a little character and quirkiness so there not too boring. with the logo i need to add some kind of little logo so it can link to other products or lines the company have but also to make it recognisable to that company. 
i have decided on what background colour to have. I'm playing around with the colour white as its a clean colour and would work with any other colour i may add to make them a little different. i want each one to have a colour theme including black and white. using 3 colours would decrease cost of printing so it would be beneficial as well.
I've decided on using green orange and yellow for the 3 products as research says that orange represents focus, yellow for energy and green for memory. these are the words i want to use to show what the product does.

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