Tuesday 10 March 2015

architecture idea

before - fragile - after ( what takes place when it falls down/run down)
feeling insecure - could fall
bright colours
facile looking
sense of community - working together
roman architecture = people got killed in a beautiful setting\
over population - in a landmark eg effiel tower - links with the shooting in paris
could fall at any moment

artist amy casey architectural despoil

''Her pieces are of tangled, rickety, and unstable worlds that are unreal enough to excite the imagination, but realistic enough to hit home. With events in the last decade as any indication, today’s society feels increasingly insecure, as if everything could fall down at any moment; Amy Casey taps into this with a beautiful array of work'' http://weburbanist.com/2010/07/01/amy-casey-painter-of-precarious-worlds/

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