Tuesday 22 March 2016

fmp brief - draft

I am titling this piece of work conditioning, this will enable me to look into how the body has changed structure over time and how as people today, condition us to sit a certain way or look a certain way. To do this I will need to look into the history of the chair and the structure of the human body to create a piece of furniture to convey this. I want to develop my style further so my style is recognizable but also translatable to other references. This relates well to my pathway stage, as I will need to think about this kind of issues for future projects, although I will try and work in different ways to ensure I am getting the best results.

This time I’ve chosen to look at the twenties as this was the time when furniture and other products began to become a lot simpler but also a lot stronger and bolder looking, stepping more to towards a new style rather than concentration solely on comfort. I will look at the work of Charles rennie Macintosh and his pieces inspired by Japanese style as one of my main research links but also the other art movements at the time such as Bauhaus and art deco. These research starting points will fit with the idea I’m aiming for, as this was when plastics were first introduced as they were all very hard materials and with help give the impression of conditioning. From this I can look at modern day furniture that have the same kind of influences and how they are made now.

To create the style I’m wanting, I’m going to have to improvise with different materials such as plaster/ plaster bandage, along side materials such as wire, paper and heated plastic. The reason for this is that we don’t have the materials for this and I would struggle to make the real life thing, but I will be making models and stating the measurements of the life sized piece and what it would be manufactured out of. To do this I would need to translate my ideas on to Photoshop/ illustrator, as this is how it would be done if I were to send it to be made. A lot of the materials I plan to use do have safety procedures such as plaster needing the ventilation fan on and gloves and eye wear for cutting wire. Most of my time to begin with will be used for designing and developing the style I want to work in a long side the research and towards the end with be when I become more physical in the way I work, creating models.

To make sure I’m on the right track with my work I will ensure that I keep an up to date reflective practice book writing in it when ever I do a piece of work and describe how I will move on to develop it. I will also invite other student to look at my work and give me feedback, as this will broaden my research as well as helping my evaluations.

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