Tuesday 19 April 2016

chinese style - low

low style chairs - not good for older people hard getting down - would be bad for your knees and cold for you

I've been trying to find out why the furniture was made so low and all i can come up with is the lack of space and by lowering the furniture it apparently makes the room look bigger and helps the room be more multipurpose  - another thing i found out is the fact that its more comfortable unlike what i thought to begin with. the lotus position which this style of sitting promotes is known for its comfort as meditation can last for hours so sitting in this position can help you complete this

the benefits of the lotus position
 The asana applies pressure to the lower spine which may facilitate relaxation. The breath can slow down, muscular tension can decrease and blood pressure may subside. The coccygeal and sacral nerves are toned as the normally large blood flow to the legs is redirected to the abdominal region, which may help to improve digestion. The practice of this asana leads to a straight spinal cord. It is believed that sitting in this posture causes good thoughts to come to the mind and thoughts of anger and lust to subside. The practice of this asana with repetition of Oum leads to reduction in stress
this has made me think more about what conditioning actually means
to begin with i was thinking it as retraining changing the body against itself where actually conditioning could be a good thing, as i and many others struggle with posture this sitting position could help and condition the body to sit it a healthier better way.

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