Thursday 19 March 2015

edited scanned images

so after drawing out my logo and characters i scanned them in to see how they were going,(ive got a tattooed guy wolf one to draw up) and i think there working really well and im pleased with them 
not sure yet needs some work but this will only be going on tags and just the logo will be going to the actual t-shirts

with the logo the edge werent as neat as i wanted it so did end up having to put a black outline on it, it doesnt look as bad as i thought it did and when i put it with the rest of the digital text it helped fit it in.

these guys took me some time to draw up but didnt take 2 minutes to mac up, the only problem im getting is when i transfer them on the illustrater to put them on the t-shirts they go really pixely which im hoping goes away when i print them out. 

i think next im going to try adding a pop of colour cause i think there strong enough as they are but maybe putting the on a brightly coloured t-shirt or making the heads a different colour might make them stand out a little more.

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