Thursday 19 March 2015


A different type of stereotype also involves grouping of individuals. Skaters, Goths, Gangsters, and Preps are a few examples. Most of this stereotyping is taking place in schools. For example:
  • Goths wear black clothes, black makeup, are depressed and hated by society.
  • Punks wear mohawks, spikes, chains, are a menace to society and are always getting in trouble.
  • All politicians are philanders and think only of personal gain and benefit.
  • Girls are only concerned about physical appearance.
  • All blonds are unintelligent.
  • All librarians are women who are old, wear glasses, tie a high bun, and have a perpetual frown on their face.
  • All teenagers are rebels.
  • All children don't enjoy healthy food.
  • Only anorexic women can become models.
  • The elderly have health issues and behave like children.

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