Sunday 19 April 2015

fmp thoughts?

section 1
end point?
relates to?

i dont really know what to title it as i'm not sure on a theme, i think i'm more worried about getting it wrong so this leads me to keeping it quite broad so i can change my mind if i want to. i want the theme to be loosely around architecture and shape, i quite like the idea of being able to look into things such as product design and sculpture as well as this is what i'm interested in but also not to be completely tied down to one subject area,

section 2

i want to have the  ideas of bauhaus and what they stand for but i'm not sure that i want it to look bauhaus, i want to look into different times and generate something that is today and not something that has already been done or could have been done

section 3
techniques and processes?

i want to use a range such as computer, 3d and drawing however i do want to stay away from painting and textiles as these don't really go with what im wanting to do but if something does come up where i need them it wouldn't bother me, just not an area i would like to commit to.

section 4
id want to evaluate each stage which i havent done in the past, to see if what i was doing working. i think id do this by at the end of each week sitting and writting what i had thought of what id done that week. and ask other people in college and outside every 2 weeks to ensure i werent getting bogged down without realising.

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