illustration (matt)
- short animations
- advertising
-50% increase in salary and introducing the credit card
- propaganda due to cold war
- movie posters and billboard
- children illustrations
- dr seuss
- should try and not read off the board
- go into more detail on areas that interest him more
- looked into different areas in him subject area
fashion (kim)
-big skirts/ pattern/ colour
- trousers still fashionable
- wandering waistlines
-1920s influenced
- housewives targeted - baby boom
- shapely women
- mass produced fashion
- teenage fashion
- your opinions
- artists?
- area of you like
animation ( jordan)
- golden age of animation
- disney, warner brothers
- popular characters
- first oscar for animation
- racism was a huge issue in looney tunes
- speak to audience
- more detail
- interest
- other types of animation -links with illustration?
architecture (me)
- face the front
- speak clearer
- very detailed
- bullet point so people can take notes
- didn't read off the screen
abstract expressionism (emma)
- jackson pollack - dripping paint with sticks, changed his style from the 30s
- influences from around the world
- mark tobey - influences from around the work with text in
- stop spinning, a little distracting
- look at artist we haven't looked at before
- opinion on it
- say what other artist do and not just the names
- a lot of pauses
costume and special fx ( stacey)
- creature from the black lagoon video
- ben chapman played the man
- found interview on what was used etc
- makeup artists used was bud west more, jack kevan, chris mueller
- other films
-dont read of the board (just tell us what the interview was about)
- explain the film
- liked the use of the video in (nobody else has used it)
- change colours background - blog style
illustration (mel)
- popular - no rationing
- bright colours, positive, new
- sexism, obvious
- merchandise
- propaganda for cold war - bright colours
- motion picture - new tbs and drive in
- interesting
-had opinions about it
- compare to english illustration
- speak slower
photography (becky)
- new/ fashion photo's
- sexism
- posed pictures
- clear but repetitive
- could have broadened her research
- could have played the videos
- linked how she linked a website so we knew where she got her information from
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